Hard Board Kayak | CUSTOM | Personalised Outdoor Gear
Our NEW outdoor customisable hardboard kayak is the perfect way to make a splash and showcase your brand or unique designs. Personalize it with your logo, creating a branded and custom kayak that stands out on the water. Crafted with durable materials, the hardboard offers excellent performance and stability during your clients' paddling adventures - the BEST way to create unique and impressive visibility for YOUR brand! https://branded.disruptsports.com/products/custom-hard-board-kayak?_pos=3&_
White, Black, Gray, Blue, Purple, Red, Pink, Green, Yellow, Orange, Brown, Navy Blue, Burgundy Red, Royal Blue, Maroon Red, Gold, Light Blue, Teal Green, Silver, Aluminum Gray, Clear, Various
Production Time: Please inquire
Packaging: Bulk
White, Black, Gray, Blue, Purple, Red, Pink, Green, Yellow, Orange, Brown, Navy Blue, Burgundy Red, Royal Blue, Maroon Red, Gold, Light Blue, Teal Green, Silver, Aluminum Gray, Clear, Various
Exercise, Games, Health, Outdoors, Sports
Production Time: Please inquire
Packaging: Bulk
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