
Decoration Daisy Wedding Bouquet


The natural looking flowers never wilt and can be recyclable, always bright and colorful. No need to water and fertilize, wipe with dry cloth or spraying when dusty. And it has no smell and no need to worry pollen allergy. 0.39" L x 30.31" W

Blue, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, White, Yellow, Coffee Brown

Decoration, Gardening, Vintage
Other. 1" W x 1" H on front. Price includes 1 Color, 1 Side

Production Time: 10 to 15 working days or 7 to 10 working days for rush service

Packaging: Individual poly bag; 1000 units/ctn; 48.4 lbs./ctn; Dimensions: 20" x 20" x 16"

Shipping Point: China

Quantity: 100 500 1,000 1,500 2,500 5,000
Your Price (each): $3.063 $2.205 $2.173 $2.148 $2.11 $2.01
Setup: $60.00. Additional charges may apply.